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Exposed: Proven B2B E-commerce Marketing Strategy That Works

Written by Emmanuel Emeka | Jul 29, 2022 9:49:21 AM

In the digital market environment, eCommerce is essential for networking with other companies, but you also need a marketing plan to attract more potential customers. For your online retail business to grow profitably and draw in the right high-value clients, having a strong b2b eCommerce marketing strategy is essential. Guess What? Your promotional strategies are probably ineffective if your e-commerce store isn't turning a profit.

It may be difficult to determine what strategies work and which don't because the e-commerce marketing sector is constantly changing, and new technologies are being developed daily. Nonetheless, the principles of building an effective b2b eCommerce marketing strategy vary slightly based on seasons. In today's article, we will expose the best techniques, platforms to use, and most importantly, how to build your b2b strategy.

What is B2B eCommerce?

Trading with other online businesses is known as business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce. It mainly involves substantial orders, manufacturing firms, and wholesalers. Customers are the companies that purchase the goods; nevertheless, they are not the actual end users.

For instance, a small firm (in this case, the consumer) could order large quantities of stationery goods from a wholesaler online (seller). Later, they can sell those items physically or online via their business. In this case, the exchanges between the local business and the wholesaler are B2B orders, but those between the local business and the consumer are B2C.

How to Build a B2B eCommerce Marketing Strategy

According to McKinsey Inc, over 73% of B2B high and low-end buyers claim that -they favor online self-service above human interaction. What does it mean for you? For us, that's more revenue for businesses implementing the right B2B strategy. To help you better, here are actionable ways to create a b2b e-commerce marketing strategy that will enhance your business growth:

  1. Craft concise eCommerce marketing objectives

Your promotional strategy should be the first consideration when developing any e-commerce marketing plan; it will give you a feeling of goals and mission. Without it, your efforts will be futile. Use the "PQAAT concept" while defining goals. To this effect, your e-commerce marketing objective should be:

Precise: use a fact-based promotional tone in your message. For example, use language like "we aim to boost sales by 22%" rather than "we aim to boost revenue."

Quantifiable: After choosing a particular objective, you should specify the key metrics (KPIs) that will show you how near you achieve it.

Attainable: Affirm that your goal is attainable by looking at the current information. Unless you're merely getting started but don't have any records, establish a benchmark and track your progress over time.

Applicable: It might not be a good idea to start a marketing plan since a rival is already using one. Make sure your objectives are best suited for your e-commerce business requirements.

Time-bound: Setting a timeframe for your e-commerce marketing goals will boost your mood to see it through to completion.

  1. Connect to Instincts

There is still immense potential to connect to potential customers' instincts to increase sales, even if corporations often search for goods and services via a more rational viewpoint. Yes, in the B2B world, relating to instincts can boost your bottom line. For instance, you can speak directly to your client's concerns and explain how your solutions and products can assist them in avoiding or resolving them. 

Another effective strategy for stimulating interest is emphasizing the advantages of collaborating with your company rather than merely the characteristics of your products or statistical information about the results.

  1. Determine the Target Audience

Attempting to sell your merchandise to everybody when creating an eCommerce marketing plan is one of the most expensive errors you can make. For enterprises to avoid this, they must determine their target audience and solely engage them. To analyze your market, define your audience demographics based on: income, gender, location, e.t.c.

Furthermore, carry out psychographic segmentation of the target customers. That refers to their fun activities and preferred media, including books, websites, TV shows, e.t.c.

  1. Carry out Competitor Analysis

If you are aware of the strengths and weaknesses of your potential competitors, you can modify your strategies to ensure that you remain in front. In your analysis, you must research your competitors' company objectives, strategic partnerships, pricing strategies, and market share.

After that, thoroughly examine and analyze their digital marketing strategies. Some effective tips to utilize are:

  • Pinpoint the marketing channel that generates the most engagements for them.
  • Sign up for their newsletters to discover how they interact with their audience. 
  • Check their social media handles to see which posts generate the most interaction.

Note: Fully realize that your competitors include everyone whose products meet the same need as your target audience. It includes businesses selling the same variety of products as you.

  1. Utilize Video Marketing 

When capturing an audience's attention, video marketing is much more impactful than textual data. It's a great tactic to add emotional connection since you can show the customers something instead of just writing about it. Additionally, sharing videos of any duration on social media is simple.

  1. Integrate Multi-channel Promotion

Most buyers in today's world constantly transition between various marketing channels; therefore, as an enterprise, you must leverage the power of such. You will move customers along the sales funnel by providing them with the same experience across your marketing channels.

However, it necessitates a great deal of continuity, particularly in the voice of your marketing communications. If consistent, buyers become more accustomed to your online store, boosting engagement and revenue.

  1. Improve your order fulfillment and logistics strategy

For enterprises, the e-commerce marketing strategy must include order fulfillment because failing to deliver buyers' items properly and on time could result in them never making another purchase from your store. If the order fulfillment approach is not seamless, most of your revenue will be gulped by logistics operations.

Best Platforms/Channels to use for B2B eCommerce

Without going through a rigorous search, we have selected the top B2B eCommerce channels you can leverage to give your clients what they need and customize their shopping experiences. These platforms include:

  • SuiteCommerce
  • BigCommerce
  • Magento Commerce
  • Shopify Plus
  • Contalog
  • TradeGecko
  • IBM Digital Commerce

The platforms above provide robust security to facilitate hassle-free financial transactions and a top-notch user experience.

What are the best B2B E-commerce Marketing strategies?


  • Utilize Technology To Provide Excellent Services

One notable advantage of B2B eCommerce over traditional commerce is access to cutting-edge technology and solutions. For instance, integrated software solutions in the B2B marketplace can be used to automate order restocking, shorten sales cycles, minimize billing mistakes, and provide order tracking status. Deploying cost-effective artificial intelligence (AI) solutions like ConvertedIn will enable you to maximize all the necessary features to operate your store seamlessly.

  • Promoting on Social Media

Leveraging social media to promote your B2B eCommerce store not only increases your existing customers but also allows you to learn more about your target demographic. These analytics are critical for improving your store and providing customers with what they genuinely desire, resulting in increased sales and visibility.

Discover How to Choose the Best Advertising Platforms for Ecommerce

  • Leverage on Data

The effectiveness of a B2B e-commerce platform depends on intelligent data analytics use. The ease of access to data is a big benefit of conducting online businesses. Successful B2B e-commerce firms leverage the data to provide adverts to potential consumers, tailor user experiences, and turn prospects into customers by addressing their problems.

  • Value your Buyers

A successful B2B e-commerce promotional strategy involves following up with customers. It demonstrates to your patrons that you value them. By using that great approach, you can use the opportunity to let them know about sales and new inventory items. 

Final Notes!

By employing the right methodologies and marketing techniques discussed in this article, you can greatly enhance your revenue. Remember, online purchases differ from those made in the physical store; therefore, you must employ technology to improve the customer journey.