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How To Create Successful Facebook Carousel Ads for eCommerce

Facebook Carousel ads are an excellent way for eCommerce businesses to drive sales and conversions on Facebook. This is because carousel ads allow you to showcase multiple products within an ad, which increases your chances of showing the right product at the right time.

This article will discuss: 

What Are Facebook Carousel Ads?

Facebook Carousel Ads

Facebook Carousel Ads are interactive, dynamic adverts that allow marketers to display between two and ten images or videos (with links) in a single ad space.

Users on mobile platforms can swipe through the ad's slides, while users on desktop platforms can simply click left or right to browse through the advertisement. 

Why Do You Need Facebook Carousel Ads for E-commerce? 

It is common knowledge that Facebook ads are used to increase brand awareness.

Many marketers use simple image advertisements on Facebook to achieve this purpose, while others use Carousel Ads.

These creative carousel ads have various attractive qualities. 

Here are 4 reasons why you Need To Use Facebook Carousel Ads for your E-commerce business:

1. It is Cost Effective

Cost-effectiveness remains a top goal. Every advertiser wants to reduce cost-per-click and cost-per-conversion rates.

Carousel ads have demonstrated their ability to achieve that over the last year. Carousel advertising, according to Facebook, has a 30-50% lower cost-per-conversion and a 20-30% lower cost-per-click than standard picture advertisements.

2. Increases Engagement 

Carousel advertising promotes user engagement and fosters relationships between brands and prospective consumers.

While viewers can quickly scroll past an image advertisement, the various cards in a carousel advertisement tempt visitors to swipe and see what the next card reveals. 

3. Allows for Creativity

Advertisers can also insert extra information, photos, or videos with carousel advertising.

Each card can emphasize numerous products, show more facts about your products, or tell a story.

4. Flexibility

You most likely have many objectives for an ad campaign. You might want people to learn more about your business, visit your website, contact you, download your ebook, or do something else.

The carousel style allows you to incorporate all of these CTAs (up to 10) in a single ad. 

What Are the Specifications of Carousel Ads Design? 

Below are the various requirements you should bear in mind before designing your carousel Ad:

  • The maximum number of cards is ten.
  • The minimum number of cards is two.
  • Video file format: MP4 or MOV is preferred, but other formats are acceptable.
  • Image file formats: jpg or png
  • Maximum video file size: 4GB
  • Maximum image file size: 30MB
  • Maximum video length: 240 minutes
  • Recommended resolution: 1080 x 1080px
  • 1:1 is the recommended ratio.
  • Title: 40 characters
  • Text length: 125 characters
  • Images containing more than 20% text may experience slower delivery.
  • 20 characters for the link description

How To Create a Facebook Carousel Ad for E-commerce

Facebook Carousel Ads for E-commerce

Now that we've established Facebook video and photo sizes and ratios, let's delve into the simple step-by-step directions for creating a successful carousel post.

  • Step 1 

After logging into your Facebook Ads Manager account, click "+ Create" in the middle of the screen to begin developing your Facebook carousel ad.

  • Step 2

Determine your marketing goal. It can include everything from website traffic to app installs to brand awareness. You can also name your campaign, ad set, and ad on this screen. It will take you to the next page once you've chosen your marketing aim and named your campaign.

  • Step 3

Make a campaign budget. You can specify a daily or lifelong budget, in addition to a timetable that will run continually, now or later.

  • Step 4

Tailor your Facebook ad carousel to suit your target demographic. There are numerous options available.

  • Step 5

After selecting Next, you will be taken to the ads tab. After choosing the carousel feature, you can select your images and copy videos for your Facebook ad carousel.

Finally, you can make your campaign public! When you're ready to schedule your campaign and have evaluated your campaign settings and carousel ads, click the 'Publish' option.

Discover Collection Ads Vs. Carousel Ads: What You Need To know

Facebook Carousel Ads: Best Practices to Boost Conversions

Facebook Carousel Ads: Best Practices to Boost Conversions

The following are some of the top carousel ad practices you can adopt to your advantage. Follow these steps to acquire a faster and higher conversion rate using your carousel ad:

1- Make The Ad Captivating and Unique Enough to Grab Attention

With so many ads available on Facebook, it's essential to be unique to capture the customer's attention. You must keep them from scrolling past your ad post, so let your creative juices flow. 

2- Use Relevant and Engaging Images/Videos

Ensure that all the images you use within a single card look similar and meaningful. To make the advertisement look more consistent, use related themes for the graphics or videos.

3- Make Use of All Available Resources

Images and videos are two of the most significant components of any carousel advertisement. You cannot, however, neglect the other components. The headline, primary text, description, and CTA buttons are all essential components of carousel ads. They provide context and persuade users to click on the advertisement.

4- Stick to the Specifications and Guidelines

If you want your ad to be effective, you must adhere to all of the design standards and ad copy guidelines and specifications listed above.

5- Emphasize Your CTA Button

The ultimate purpose of any advertisement is to reach customers and turn them into prospects. You can include a call to action in your images or videos. You can also insert numerous links in carousel ads.

Facebook Carousel Ads — Mistakes to Avoid

Mistakes to Avoid

Below are 5 mistakes you need to avoid that can jeopardize the success of your Facebook Carousel ads:

1. Lack of Ad goals

A measurable target and strategy are the first steps to any marketing effort's success.

You must develop goals that will suit your company's urgent demands. There is a significant difference between setting goals and setting the appropriate goals! 

Here are some things to think about when creating goals for your carousel ads:

  • Improved brand awareness
  • Increased community involvement
  • Increased sales and lead generation
  • Increased web traffic

2. Inappropriate Audience Targeting

Facebook has millions of users. If you do not correctly target your audience, your adverts will likely be buried in the massive flood of content.

Before building your carousel Ads, examine your target audience's geography, demographics, interests, engagement, and habits.

Consider developing ads that help your target audience trust you by presenting your benefits, success stories, testimonials, industry recognitions, and so on.

3. Automatic Optimization

After you've selected the various target options provided by Facebook, you can instruct Facebook to optimize this audience for you automatically.

When making your ad, set the audience size to a value that isn't too narrow or too broad.

4. Abandoning Your Advertisements

Most marketers make the mistake of setting fresh Facebook Carousel Ads and then abandoning them for weeks. 

You must examine the performance of your Ads daily because this will help you determine whether you need to make adjustments to your Ad choices.

5. The Absence of a Clear Value Proposition

One of the most vital elements of marketing is your value proposition.

Your value proposition will persuade people to do business with you or use your product over your competitor's.

Final Thought: Use Marketing Automation to Optimize Your Carousel Ads

Take advantage of marketing automation to create custom audiences based on the actions people take on your website and use those audiences to target specific customers with Facebook ads.

For instance, Convertedin is an AI platform that makes your Facebook carousel ads more targeted. The technology uses AI to analyze shoppers' data and create a customer profile, which can then be used to create a custom audience. 

This audience can then be used to target customers with Facebook carousel ads that are more relevant to their interests. ConvertedIn automation can increase your return on investment (ROI) and improve customer engagement.

Try ConveretedIn now with the live demo.