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Instagram Carousel Ads For Ecommerce: How To Convert Leads Into Sales

Written by Merna Helal | Sep 13, 2022 11:06:30 AM

As one of the most popular social media platforms among all generations, Instagram provides a lucrative opportunity for eCommerce businesses to generate leads and increase their sales. There are many ways you can utilize your presence on Instagram. For instance, you can learn what your consumers really want, or you can increase brand awareness and reach out to potential customers. But the real question is not why you should use Instagram to increase your sales; it’s how.

Using Instagram carousel ads for ecommerce, you can start to create an open conversation with your existing or potential customers and build strong relationships with them. At the end of the day, what business doesn’t want to have a loyal customer base? In this article, we will present the best practices for using Instagram carousel ads for ecommerce sales. 

Table of Contents 

What are Instagram Carousel Ads?

Instagram is the number one social media platform for storytelling, and this doesn’t stop with influencers and celebrities. In fact, numerous businesses took off, thanks to their Instagram ad campaigns. You can use organic posts to reach customers, but this may take years to achieve. The easier and more convenient way is to create some ads and campaigns that will show immediate ROI

There are a number of options to choose from when starting an Instagram ad campaign. For example, you can create:

  • Carousel ads
  • Image ads
  • Videos ads
  • Collection ads
  • Shopping ads
  • Stories ads
  • IGTV ads

Each type of advertisement has its own pros and cons, but carousel ads are proven to be among the best types specifically for the ecommerce industry. By creating carousel ads, you can provide a visual story that showcases the true essence of your brand. 

In an Instagram carousel ad, you can put together a slideshow of photos and videos (from 2 to 10). Although each photo or video comes with a unique URL, you can only have one CTA button that will be used in the whole ad. 

Instagram Carousel Ads Specs

Keeping in mind that there are some specifications you have to follow in Instagram carousel ads, including:

  • File type must be jpg, png or mp4
  • Videos can’t exceed 1 minute
  • File size must be less than or equal to 4GB
  • Caption can’t exceed 2,200 characters
  • Minimum dimensions are 600x600 pixels 
  • Maximum dimensions are 1080x1080 pixels

Why Should You Use Instagram Carousel Ads?

There are countless reasons to use Instagram carousel ads in your campaigns, such as:

  • To increase brand awareness
  • Drive engagement 
  • Generate new leads
  • Increase website traffic 

This all directly leads to your ecommerce business witnessing an increase in sales and revenues! 

How To Use Instagram Carousel Ads For Ecommerce?

There is no right and wrong in choosing the path of your ads, but there are some tips and tricks that stand the test of time and have proven to be successful with countless brands.

To create truly successful Instagram Carousel ads for your ecommerce business, here are some tips and tricks to use:

1- Humanize your brand

People tend to relate more to other people rather than a business. With that in mind, you can put a face to your brand, whether it's the CEO, owner, or any employee. Or you can simply create humanized content and have a friendly tone of voice. Also, it never hurts to have some friendly banters in your comments section with your customers and competitors. 

2- Be a storyteller

You can use Instagram carousel ads to tell a story that reflects the pain points of your consumers and how your product can solve them, or you can tell the origin story of your brand like how it started and how it shaped up to be the way it is. 

3- Display the best

Like any smart street vendor, you need to display the best of your products first. If you have 10 products and only 5 of them are selling, then you should focus on your cash cows before turning your attention to the other products. This might seem far fetched. However, a recent Facebook study revealed that:

  • 83% of users find new products on Instagram  
  • 81% of users research products on the app

Therefore when you push your best sellers, it’s almost a guarantee that many customers will turn to your brand. 

Discover 10 Best Instagram Ad Examples for Ecommerce Will Inspire you

4- Share tips and tricks 

By sharing secret hacks and tips on your product, customers will tune in regularly to learn more. This could also increase engagement on your Instagram page because you will be posting original content with valuable information that can not be found anywhere else. 

5- Post consumers' reviews and feedback 

Nowadays, everyone checks reviews before making any purchase. Therefore adding some testimonials and feedback from your consumers will help you gain the trust of potential customers. 

Best Practices To Convert Leads Into Sales

Now that you know the most successful ways your Instagram carousel ad can go, it’s time to consider turning qualified leads into real consumers. There are numerous factors that can help, including: 

  • Having a clear and strong Call-To-Action

The CTA is a crucial part of any advertisement campaign, and choosing the right one might make all the difference. For example, if you are advertising for a new product or your best sellers, the CTA should be “Shop 

  • Adding informative and short captions

Your caption should be short, informative, and to the point. That doesn’t mean you can’t be creative or add catchy words; just remember that most people aren’t willing to spend more than a few seconds reading an ad’s caption. 

  • Don’t just sell

Balancing between carousel posts that push leads to make purchases and informative content is a hard path to walk but a vital one. Consumers these days don’t like to feel pushed into a corner. That’s why inbound marketing that allows them to come to you is getting popular by the minute. 

While all that sounds great, it’s not easy to consistently find the time, money, and resources to create Instagram ads for your ecommerce business. But with technological advancements and AI integration into every aspect of our lives, you don’t necessarily need to do any of this manually anymore!

How to Automate Instagram Ads Using AI? 

Using cutting-edge AI technology, you can easily automate your Instagram ads and many other marketing activities. There are many tools that can help with that, and on top of that list is ConvertedIn. Our AI technology allows you to connect with Instagram (plus any other ecommerce technology and digital channels) and instantly run advertising campaigns. 

Needless to say, ConvertedIn doesn’t create just some generic carousel ads for your business. In fact, the AI technologies used in ConvertedIn gather and use data from your customer base to generate the most suitable content for your audience. ConvertedIn also helps you identify:

  • The best customers to target
  • What type of content to post
  • When will consumers be most receptive to your content

Final Thoughts

Unlike many other social media platforms, Instagram offers you an exclusive chance to connect with your consumers through storytelling and engaging content. Using Instagram Carousel ads you can easily generate leads for your ecommerce business and turn them into loyal customers. 

Don’t waste months trying to figure out the perfect Instagram carousel ad. when AI tools like ConvertedIn can do that and much more in a few minutes! Request a demo today and start running successful Instagram carousel ads.