Convertedin Blog

eCommerce Machine Learning Use Cases to Guarantee Your Success

Written by Maria Zaki | May 1, 2022 8:27:23 AM

In recent times, we have seen a massive change worldwide because of the weird spread of AI and machine learning in all fields. One of these fields is eCommerce. AI and machine learning are changing the way businesses and brands are reaching their audiences. 

Now that eCommerce platforms are widely using machine learning algorithms, brands can easily enhance their businesses and offer their consumers a better and more enjoyable experience. 

Machine learning applications in eCommerce can be endless; few examples are product recommendations and fraud detection. 

In this article below, you can explore the power of using machine learning in eCommerce. Find out how this technology is altering the way businesses analyze customer data, optimize pricing strategies, customize recommendations, and improve the whole consumer experience. Beat your competition and explore new opportunities with machine learning in eCommerce.

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What is Machine Learning in eCommerce?

"Machine learning" is a subcategory of artificial intelligence (AI) that uses statistical models and algorithms to let computers learn from data and form predictions or judgments without explicit programming. Machine learning is used in eCommerce to sift through massive volumes of data produced by online transactions to uncover patterns in consumer behavior, preferences, and buying habits.

The development and improvement of software and algorithms using artificial intelligence that "learns" from a constant stream of data are known as eCommerce machine learning. It involves using data to evaluate and modify artificial intelligence's responses to data rather than just executing on a data set.

Online businesses and merchants work in an area that is constantly changing, but it is beginning to have new effects on users and customers.

How Does Machine Learning Work in eCommerce?


Machine learning algorithms can be trained on a range of eCommerce data sources. This includes customer browsing and their purchasing patterns, product descriptions, and pricing in order to discover patterns and trends that can be used to improve the user experience and increase sales. This is how it goes:

1- Data Collection:

The process of acquiring and analyzing information from a wide variety of sources is known as data collection. The data we gather must be acquired and kept in a way that makes sense for the specific business problem at hand if we are to use it to create useful artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning solutions.

2- Data preprocessing

Preprocessing of the data is all about preparing the raw data for a certain machine learning model. An initial and important step while creating the machine learning model. 

It is also used to weed out any inaccurate, irrelevant, or inconsistent information. Simply, it is the idea of transforming raw data into clean data. The reason for that is the data needs to be in a proper format to match the machine learning model.

3- Feature engineering

It is the process of identifying and extracting from the data the important features that can be utilized to train machine learning algorithms, such as customer demographics, purchase history, or product properties.

4- Model selection

The type of data and the issue being handled are taken into consideration while choosing the best machine-learning algorithms. Support vector machines, neural networks, decision trees, and random forests are a few of the common machine-learning techniques utilized in e-commerce.

5- Model training

This is to identify patterns and trends in the data; the chosen machine learning algorithm is trained on the preprocessed data. Simply said, training a model entails learning (deciding) appropriate values for each weight and bias from labeled samples. Empirical risk minimization is the process by which a machine learning algorithm constructs a model in supervised learning by analyzing several examples and looking for a model that minimizes loss.

6- Evaluation of the trained model

The trained model's performance and accuracy are assessed using a different set of data. This evaluation technique aids in identifying the algorithm that will produce the desired results for the supplied dataset. Likewise, it is referred to as "Best Fit" in terms of machine learning. Using the same input dataset, it compares the performance of various machine learning models. The technique of evaluation places a strong emphasis on how well the model predicts the final results.

Best E-commerce Machine Learning use cases

1- Personalization

By analyzing client data and identifying unique preferences, machine learning algorithms may provide personalized product recommendations and marketing messaging. Here are some examples:

  • Huge amounts of data are mined and analyzed by AI so that businesses may gain deeper insights and create more precise and effective personalized client journeys.
  • AI enhances ad targeting, resulting in more efficient commercials that save marketing costs and boost sales. 
  • Higher upsell revenues are produced by AI's smarter, more personalized recommendations for products that complement a customer's existing purchase.
  • To improve the customer service experience for customers, AI-powered chatbots use NLP, sentiment analysis, and other AI approaches in addition to robotic, written responses.

2- Fraud detection

By examining transaction data, machine learning systems can spot unexpected patterns and indicate possibly fraudulent transactions. Fraudsters are always on the lookout for new technological developments and eCommerce trends that they may take advantage of.

They can do anything, from taking advantage of businesses to acquiring private information for their evil plans. Before, thieves needed access to your wallet to steal your money; today, they only need access to your online accounts. A scammer may only need one password that is too clear to keep them from getting your money.

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3- Price optimization

Machine learning algorithms can examine pricing information to find the best pricing plans that maximize profits while maintaining market competitiveness. The most efficient prices for goods or services can be found using one of numerous price optimization techniques.

Now you can use machine learning-based pricing strategies to gain a competitive advantage, drive revenue growth, and increase customer satisfaction. By leveraging vast amounts of data and cutting-edge algorithms, they have been able to make informed pricing decisions that drive results.

4- Inventory management

By analyzing inventory data, machine learning algorithms can assist merchants in maximizing their stock levels and preventing stockouts and overstocking. Every retail and online business depends on its inventory. This element of managing a trading business has a big impact on cash flow, financial performance, and expansion prospects. Because of this, an increasing number of retail and e-commerce businesses choose to use machine learning for inventory management. 

5- Improved Customer Experience

Customer experience is improved thanks to machine learning algorithms, which may be utilized by online retailers to better understand consumer behavior and preferences. Businesses may boost customer happiness and loyalty by customizing the buying experience for each unique customer.

With the use of machine learning (ML), your clients can receive predictions that can influence their experiences on your website or platforms. For example, machine learning (ML) can either block credit card transactions that are more likely to be fraudulent or target marketing campaigns to clients who are more likely to respond.

The most likely item for a customer to be interested in is displayed, we can see that in Airbnb, Google, Amazon, or Netflix. This will help you offer your customers an unparalleled experience that you will love and will get back for.

6- Enhanced Marketing Campaigns

The most efficient marketing channels, strategies, and content can be found by analyzing customer data using machine learning algorithms to improve marketing efforts. This can boost customer engagement and the return on investment of marketing campaigns.

Machine learning is utilized in a number of marketing operations; to forecast consumer behavior, personalize marketing efforts, improve pricing tactics, and find patterns in massive data sets. Businesses may increase marketing ROI and make data-driven decisions with its assistance. One of the best tools that can help you achieve that is

Convertedin is a marketing operating system for e-commerce, which utilizes data and shoppers' insights to create personalized multi-channel marketing that boosts customer engagement and maximizes ROI. 

Best 10 Examples of Using Machine Learning in eCommerce

Below are the top 10 examples of machine learning in e-commerce:

1- Stitch Fix

Stitch Fix revolutionizes the online personal styling experience for women, men, and kids by leveraging the power of machine learning. Through advanced algorithms, Stitch Fix customizes clothing recommendations based on individual preferences and feedback, ensuring a personalized and tailored shopping experience for each client.


The fashion retailer ASOS where you can find the latest fashion trends, employs machine learning to enhance product recommendations, optimize pricing, and give customers a more customized shopping experience.

3- Walmart uses machine learning to personalize and customize product recommendations, enhance the consumer experience, and optimize supply chain and logistical processes.

4- Alibaba

Alibaba, a major player in Chinese e-commerce, uses machine learning to forecast customer behavior and preferences as well as to improve supply chain and logistics management. It is a manufacturers & suppliers directory. It is a website where you can source manufacturers, suppliers, exporters, & importers.

5- eBay

eBay is a place where you can buy & sell electronics, cars, clothes, and collectibles online, and it uses machine learning to enhance product suggestions, uncover fraudulent behavior, and personalize search results.

6- Wayfair

It is a global online home store. Wayfair utilizes machine learning to tailor product recommendations, enhance pricing, and enhance the consumer experience, the online furniture store

8- Amazon 

Another business that employs machine learning in a variety of applications is Amazon.

They use it, for example, to enhance their search engines, provide product recommendations, and spot fraud. Additionally, they are automating customer support jobs and enhancing the accuracy of their inventory management system with machine learning.

The company also employs AI to help them fulfill their climate commitment, which is to attain net zero carbon emissions by 2040 and meet the goals of the Paris Agreement 10 years earlier.


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How To Get Started With Machine Learning For Your Online Store?

Machine learning is and will continue to have a significant impact on e-commerce in the future. We can expect machine learning to take on different forms in the coming years, such as more accurate customer segmentation, more intelligent product recommendations, and more personalized search results. You don't want to be left behind, so here are a few steps you can take to prepare for this change:

  • Understand how it works.
    This will help you realize the potential applications and benefits provided to your e-commerce business. This video posted by Google will give you a nice overview of the process.
  • Identify the areas where machine learning can be applied in your business.
    There are many different applications, so it's essential to focus on a few key areas that will have the most significant impact on your business. For example, if you run an online store, you could use this technology for product recommendations or customer segmentation. 
  • Assess the costs and benefits.
    Machine learning can be expensive, so you need to ensure that the benefits justify the costs.
    Invest in the infrastructure needed This includes things like storage, computing power, and software, though not necessary if you decide to outsource. 
  • Find a reputable and proven provider of the services
    This is important because you want to ensure that you're getting quality services.
  • Implement on a small scale first
    This will help you minimize the risks and maximize the benefits. Machine learning is a complex technology, so it's essential to take things slowly at first.

These are a few actionable steps e-commerce businesses can take to prepare for the implementation.

Machine learning provides ample opportunity for businesses to get ahead of their competition. By taking the time to prepare now, companies can set themselves up for success. This technology is something to keep an eye on if you haven't been already. It has come a long way in a short amount of time. You've already taken the first step to implementation by finding this article. Good luck!