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Value-Based Segmentation: What is it? Why & How To Use For eCommerce?

Written by Maria Zaki | May 30, 2023 9:07:21 AM

Client segmentation is the practice of breaking down a client base into groups of people who share marketing-relevant traits like age, gender, interests, and purchasing patterns.

Increasing sales or customer conversions is the aim of customer segmentation, which aims to reach out to customers more effectively. 

Segmentation can take many different forms, including demographic, psychographic, geographic, value-based segmentation, and behavioral segmentation.

Value-based segmentation is one of the crucial types for eCommerce. It is a marketing tactic that aids companies in locating and concentrating on clients according to their projected value. This kind of segmentation aids companies in better understanding their target markets, developing more potent marketing plans, and enhancing the customer experience. Additionally, it enables them to prioritize their most valuable customers in terms of product offerings, sales, and other promotions.

Value-Based Segmentation can be applied in a variety of ways, such as personalizing offers for high-value consumers or adding extra services for low-value customers to boost loyalty. Additionally, it can be utilized to locate customer groups that share similar traits and modify marketing messaging accordingly. Businesses can design more successful campaigns by knowing consumer values and segmenting customers based on those values.

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What is Value-Based Segmentation In eCommerce?

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Value-based segmentation is a marketing approach used in eCommerce that involves grouping customers based on their estimated lifetime value to a company. This segmentation strategy is predicated on the notion that not all customers are created equal and that some customers are more profitable than others.

Value-based segmentation in eCommerce entails identifying high-value clients by looking at customer data such as purchase history, frequency of purchases, average order value, and customer engagement indicators. Following that, personalized marketing offers and messages are sent to these customers in an effort to win over their loyalty and persuade them to make additional purchases.

eCommerce companies can more effectively deploy their marketing budgets and increase their return on investment by concentrating on high-value clients. Businesses can find ways to enhance customer experience and boost customer retention by using value-based segmentation.

10 Benefits for Value-Based Segmentation In eCommerce

Segmenting your audience is crucial! Here are 10 benefits that you will get when you use value-based segmentation in your eCommerce:

1- Increased customer lifetime value: eCommerce organizations can raise the frequency and value of their customers' purchases, increasing their overall lifetime worth to the company. This is done by targeting high-value consumers with personalized marketing messages and offers.

2- Increased customer satisfaction: Customers are more likely to be happy with their experience and stick around if they receive personalized marketing messages and offers that are appropriate to their requirements and preferences.

3- Higher customer retention: eCommerce organizations can increase customer retention rates and lower churn by identifying and focusing on high-value customers.

4- More effective marketing spend: By concentrating on the clients who are most likely to produce the highest returns on investment, value-based segmentation enables eCommerce enterprises to use their marketing resources more effectively.

5- Better customer insights: eCommerce organizations can learn important information about consumer behavior and preferences that can guide future marketing efforts by analyzing customer data to identify high-value clients.

6- Increased sales: eCommerce businesses can boost sales and revenue by focusing on high-value clients with tailored marketing messages and offers.

7- Increased ROI: eCommerce companies can increase their returns on marketing investments and cut waste by concentrating on high-value clients.

8- A Better Customer Experience: Personalized marketing offers and messaging that are pertinent to clients' requirements and preferences can enhance their overall experience and raise brand loyalty.

9- Increased Brand Loyalty: eCommerce organizations may foster closer ties with their customers and boost brand loyalty by focusing on high-value clients with personalized marketing messages and offers.

10- Advantage in the market: Value-based segmentation is a potent tool that can give eCommerce businesses an edge over their rivals by enabling them to better understand their customers, allocate resources more effectively, and produce higher returns on investment.

In the end, value-based segmentation can support eCommerce companies in thriving in a fiercely competitive and quickly changing sector.

How To Use Value-Based Segmentation In eCommerce?

Make the best use of the previous benefits by following the upcoming simple steps: 

1- Gather customer information & data: You need to gather the information that can help you discover high-value consumers if you want to segment your customers based on how valuable they are to your company. This information contains demographics, purchase history, frequency of purchases, average order value, and measures for consumer engagement.

2- Analyze customer data: After gathering customer information, you must examine it to pinpoint high-value clients. This entails searching the data for patterns and trends that can show you which clients are the most valuable to your company.

3- Define client segments: You can create custom categories that represent various degrees of value to your company based on your study of customer data. For instance, you might develop categories based on average order value, frequency of purchases, or customer lifetime value.

4- Create tailored marketing strategies: After defining your customer segments, you may create individualized marketing plans for each group. This could involve specialized product recommendations, customized email campaigns, or offers and promotions.

5- Implement your marketing strategies: After creating individualized marketing plans for each customer category, you must put them into action. This entails employing marketing automation tools to send customers segment-specific communications and offers.

6- Evaluate & Analyze: Following the implementation of your marketing tactics, you should evaluate their efficacy and make any necessary improvements. In order to determine what most appeals to each consumer segment, this may entail testing various messages or offers.

Value-Based Segmentation Examples In eCommerce

Here are some examples of value-based segments:

1- VIP clients: Clients that have a high lifetime value to the company, such as those who buy frequently, spend a lot on each order, or have been clients for a long time, are included in this section. eCommerce companies can design tailored marketing campaigns and promotions for this market niche, including exclusive discounts, first access to new products, and tailored product recommendations.

2- Occasional Shoppers: Customers that make infrequent purchases or spend little on each order are included in this market category. By offering free shipping on their subsequent orders or making customized product recommendations based on their prior purchases, eCommerce businesses can develop focused marketing campaigns to entice these clients to make future purchases.

3- High Margin Product Shoppers: Customers that buy high-margin products, such as luxury goods, premium versions of products, or unique limited edition collections, fall under this market category. eCommerce companies can design focused marketing campaigns to give these customers other products that would be good upsell, as well as exclusive access to brand-new collections or limited-edition products.

Automate Your Segmentation With One Click

With Convertedin's automated segmentation engine, you won't need to manually filter and analyze client categories any more to target your audience.

You can easily use segmentation to target your messaging across all channels. Your audience can be filtered using our segmentation based on a variety of transactional events and purchasing habits. Make your retention tactics specific to your most valuable customers. There is no longer a need for manual imports because your saved segments will update instantly.

Start auto-segmenting now!