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8 Google Ads Types To Increase The Sales Of Your E-Commerce Store

Written by Salma Habib | Jul 16, 2023 11:21:27 AM

Did you know that Google controls 92% of the global search engine market? Also, did you know that 78% of marketers use Google Ads for advertising, and 98% of advertisers rate Google as the most trustworthy with a 4 or 5 out of 5 on the trust index? (Tech Jury, 2023)

Whether you know it or not, Google’s role in eCommerce is enormous. As one of the most popular online advertising platforms, Google Ads significantly help eCommerce businesses stay ahead of the competition and catch the attention of their target audience by effectively promoting their products or services. 

This article will delve deeply into the world of Google Ads by discussing the different types of Google Ads and explaining the differences between them so that you can make a more informed decision while choosing which type to use for your eCommerce business. So, if you are an eCommerce marketer using Google Ads in 2023, this article is for you.

Best 8 Types Of Google Ads For E-Commerce

  1. Google Search Ads
  2. Google Display Ads
  3. Google Video Ads
  4. Google Shopping Ads
  5. Google Performance Max Ads
  6. Google Discovery Ads
  7. Google Smart Ads
  8. Google App Ads

There are so many different types of Google Ads, which is considered one of the main reasons eCommerce businesses prefer advertising through Google. In other words, this variety allows eCommerce stores to choose the type and format of Google Ad that works best for them. However, to choose correctly, you need to have all the information. To help you make that choice, we will tackle the most significant Types of Google Ads in the following points. 

1- Google Search Ads

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Google Search Ads are defined as text-based ads displayed on the Google search results page, whether at the top or bottom. This type of ad appears when users use specific keywords while searching on Google. It is not difficult for a user to recognize this type of Google Ad because the word “Ad” is added right next to it; however, it is still displayed among the other organic results; and hence users are accustomed to seeing it.

Google Search Ads conducts what is known as “Intent-Based Targeting”. It is a form of targeting that reaches out to people based on their intent or online search behavior. Google Ads utilizes intent-based targeting because of its keyword-based advertising nature.

E-Commerce stores that use Google Search Ads are targeting people who show intent to purchase their products or services by searching for something similar to it and using related keywords. 

As a type of Google Ads, Google Search Ads has a few types of its own. Among the most well-known types of Google Search Ads, we can see the following:

  • Responsive Search Ads: With this type of Google Search Ads, you can insert several different versions of variations (headlines, descriptions, ad copy…etc). After that, Google creates different combinations of these variations, tests them, and finds out which one performs better. 
  • Dynamic Search Ads: This type of Google Search Ads is very similar to Responsive Search Ads; however, there is one main difference. This difference is that, with Dynamic Search Ads, you do not insert the variations yourself. Instead, Google automatically pulls the needed content from your eCommerce website. 

For a more detailed comparison between Responsive Search Ads and Dynamic Search Ads, check out this article: Responsive Search Ads vs. Dynamic Search Ads (Full Comparison).


  • Make sure your keyword research is thorough so that you can choose the right and most relevant keywords to bid on.
  • Make sure the headlines, descriptions, and ad copy of your Google Search Ads are compelling enough so that customers wouldn’t resist clicking on them.
  • Regularly revise your Google Search Ads campaigns and evaluate which keywords are performing well and which ones are not. 

2- Google Display Ads

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Google Display Ads differ from Google Search Ads in the use of visual-based content, such as images or videos. As we discussed in the previous point, Google Search Ads are text-based, while Google Display Ads are image or video-based. This type of Google Ad appears across different channels in the Google Display Network, such as websites, videos, or apps. 

If you are wondering what Google Display Network is, it is simply a big number of websites and mobile apps where you, as an eCommerce advertiser, can display your ads. These websites and mobile apps can be considered partners with Google whose main role is to display ads. 


  • Use Google Display Ads if you have a limited budget because they are generally less costly than Google Search Ads.
  • If you plan on using Google Display Ads, make sure you have design resources to ensure creativity and authenticity in your ads. 
  • Use this type if your business goals include increasing brand awareness or remarketing to old customers. 
  • Make sure you know where your customers are on the spectrum of the customer journey. This is because, unlike Google Search Ads that are used to target users with intent and in the “Acquisition” stage, Google Display Ads are usually used to target users in the “Awareness” stage. 

For more information on Google Display Ads, check out this article: How to Use Google Display Ads To Help Your E-Commerce Store Sell More.

3- Google Video Ads

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The major difference in this type of Google Ad is the format. Google Video Ads are one of the most appealing types of Google Ads because they allow eCommerce stores to advertise their products or services using video content displayed on different platforms that are partners with Google, such as YouTube or the Google Display Network that we’ve talked about in the previous point. 

By the way, you should know that, according to studies, 96% of marketers consider video an important part of their marketing strategy (Dash, 2023). If you’re not already one of these marketers using video ads, you should probably start considering it. 


  • Remember that YouTube is your best friend when it comes to Google Video Ads, and studies show that 70% of users purchase after seeing a brand in a video on YouTube.
  • Even though videos are more attractive to customers than text or static images, the attention span of customers is still very short. Therefore, you should make sure that your Google Video Ad grabs the customers’ attention in the very first few seconds. This tip is very important, especially if you are using a skippable video where customers get to skip your video after 5 seconds. 

4- Google Shopping Ads

This type of Google Ad is perfect for eCommerce stores because they allow them to display their products (image, description, price…etc) with Google search results. This makes it a lot easier and more convenient for customers to see products and compare them while searching through Google. 

Google Shopping Ad campaigns survive off something called “Product Feed”. Product Feed is something that you provide Google with, and it contains all needed information about the products you want to showcase.


  • Google Shopping Ads are very suitable if your goal is to promote a specific product or product line. 
  • Use this type if you are trying to drive more website traffic because it is highly probable that customers will click on your Google Shopping Ad, which will take them directly and immediately to the corresponding website page of the product. 
  • Make sure you are using high-quality images for the products you are displaying within the Google Shopping Ad. 
  • Also, make sure that all the product information is accurate because it will not be logical if the customer finds a different price on the website than the one displayed in the ad.

5- Google Performance Max Ads

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Google Performance Max campaigns are a relatively new type of Google Ads. They are a goal-based type of Google Ad and they depend on automation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. This type gives eCommerce marketers and advertisers the chance to take advantage of every ad placement option available on Google’s ad network at the same time. It helps eCommerce businesses reach more customers across different Google channels within the same Google ad campaign.


  • Use Google Performance Max Ads if you have specific conversion goals already set up.
  • Make sure you have enough budget because this type of Google Ad might be a little more costly than other types.
  • You have to be able to provide all the needed assets: texts, images, videos, logos, target audience data…etc.

6- Google Discovery Ads

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Google Discovery Ads are a type of Google Ads that allows eCommerce businesses to display their products or services in all places in which customers can “Discover” them. This means that by using Google Discovery Ads, you get to advertise your brand across all of Google’s feed placements. 

If you think that Google Discovery Ads are similar to Google Performance Max ads, let us correct that thought for you. 

Both are distinct types of Google Ads, and the difference between them appears in multiple aspects, for example:

    • Placement: while Google Performance Max Ads are placed across all of Google’s properties, such as Search, Display, YouTube, and Discover, Google Discovery Ads are displayed only within Google’s Discover feed, YouTube home feed, and Gmail promotions tab.
  • Ad Format: while Google Performance Max Ads offer a wide range of formats, such as text-based, image-based, video-based…etc, Google Discovery Ads focus more on visually appealing formats. 
  • Management: while Google Performance Max Ads are managed through a single ad campaign, Google Discover Ads are managed through distinct campaigns for each placement. 


  • Use Google Discovery Ads if your goal is to reach new audiences.
  • Make sure your content is visually appealing. 

Read this article to know more about why you should use Google Discovery Ads for your eCommerce business

7- Google Smart Ads

When talking about Google Ads, the word “Smart” means automated. We are all aware of the significance of automation in today’s digital world. That’s why Google is now offering a completely automated type of Google Ad. 

This type of Google Ad is created, managed, and optimized from A to Z by Google. All you have to do here is provide the necessary information about the campaign, such as the URL to your eCommerce store and some of the keywords themes that you would like to be included.

Learn More About How To Use Google Smart Shopping for E-commerce Marketing.


  • Use this type of Google Ad if you do not have enough time to manage your Google ads by yourself. 
  • You have to be willing to accept losing control over your advertising campaigns and accept dealing with errors that can result from Google’s use of machine learning. 

8- Google App Ads

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If you are an eCommerce store that’s diving into the world of mobile commerce, this type of Google Ad is perfect for you. It is specifically designed to promote mobile applications across the wide network of Google. 

These Ads can have different forms based on your goals. For instance:

  • If your goal is to drive “App Installs”, then the ad will include a “Download” button.
  • If your goal is to drive “App Engagement” among already existing app users, then your ad will include a link that takes the users to a specific landing page.


  • Make sure to set your goals and also set an appropriate budget.
  • Don’t waste your time deciding on the assets you will provide Google with because, with this type, Google does all the work on its own and takes the needed assets directly from your App Store listing. 

Final Thoughts:

To sum up, Google Ads now provides a wide range of types that are suitable for all forms of eCommerce businesses. It is nearly impossible for you not to find a type of Google Ad that suits the goals and objectives of your eCommerce brand. Finding the right type of Google Ad is crucial if you want to get more sales for your eCommerce store. 

You might have noticed that throughout the article, we’ve mentioned the word “automation” a few times. This can be traced back to its huge significance. Before we leave, we want to introduce you to a great marketing automation tool created by that can do the following:

  • Segment your target audience, which is essential for your Google Ad campaigns to succeed. It will also gather all your customers’ data into one place like a hub, so that you can access it easily.
  • Create, personalize, launch, and automate your email marketing campaigns, SMS, and social media ads.

Book your demo now and allow to help you with your Google Ad campaigns.