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+10 Proven Tactics To Reduce Cart Abandonment Rate And Increase Sales

Written by Nada Gad | Jul 23, 2022 2:14:28 PM

Let us all agree that cart abandonment is frustrating. You offer products and discounts that cannot be missed. Customers walk through the sales funnel until they add products to their cart, which is a victorious moment for any online business. 

Yet, this is when cart abandonment destroys all of your dreams. You lose shoppers right at the point of purchase. 

According to Drip (2023), the average cart abandonment rate across the industry is 69%. Likewise, 7 out of 10 shoppers leave an online store without completing their purchase (Syte,2023).

Therefore, the cart abandonment rate is a pressing issue for any e-commerce business. Yet, every problem has a solution. 

In this article, we have gathered 10 of the top tactics to reduce the cart abandonment rate for your business. 

Don’t miss our valuable tactics.

Top Tactics To Reduce Cart Abandonment Rate

Get ready to be astonished by top tactics to overcome one of the most pressing problems for online businesses which is cart abandonment. 

  1. Be completely Honest About Shipping Costs
  2. Offer Free Delivery
  3. Facilitate The Checkout Process
  4. Add Security Assurances
  5. Allow Guest Checkout
  6. Improve Page Load Times
  7. Send Reminder Emails
  8. Show The Amount Saved At Checkout
  9. Create A Clear Refund And Exchange Policy
  10. Include Exit Intent pop-up
  11. Incorporate Re-marketing

1- Be Completely Honest About Shipping Costs

As a frequent online shopper, I am here to tell you that I hate surprises about shipping costs. I just hate when some online businesses become secretive about my order’s shipping costs. Also, I hate when I have to do extensive research across the online store to reach the shipping costs. 

But we are not here to talk about my shopping experience; we are here to talk about your e-commerce cart abandonment rate. 

So, to begin with, don’t do what I just said to avoid customers abandoning your store. 

A very simple tactic to start with to reduce cart abandonment rate is to be honest about shipping costs along with customers’ shopping experience. You can add a built-in calculator so customers can easily calculate the costs. 

Yet, if you can afford to offer free shipping, you have raised the bar. You won’t believe us when we tell you that shipping costs can encourage or hinder the purchasing process. So, free shipping is a very important service that customers would be very keen to not miss.  

2- Offer Free Delivery

You won’t believe us when we tell you that shipping costs can encourage or hinder the purchasing process. So, free shipping is a very important service that customers would be very keen to not miss

Offering free shipping is frequently sufficient to close the deal, even if the savings are generally only a few dollars. According to a survey, 44% of customers remove items from their shopping carts due to the expenses of delivery. You can simply offer free delivery as it’s the easiest way to stop shopping cart desertion. Customers will be encouraged to buy with you rather than one of your rivals because of it.

3- Facilitate The Checkout Process

Your checkout process has to be as simple as possible with the minimum amount of steps. Just gather the necessary information needed to deliver the order successfully. You know, you are not here to interrogate shoppers. 

Accordingly, a checkout process that requires filling in plenty of fields or information will make shoppers question if the products they need are worth all of this hassle. Hence, they are likely to abandon their carts. 

So, make it easy for shoppers to avoid being abandoned. 

Additionally, part of facilitating the checkout process is to add different payment options. This certainly includes debit/credit cards, cash on delivery, digital wallets, etc. 

A pro tip: Allow shoppers to save their payment and shipping information so the next time they place an order, they won’t have to re-add their information. This will certainly speed up the process.

4- Add Security Assurances

The checkout page is the place where you need to show off a little bit. Well, showing off won’t harm anyone. Instead, it will benefit your e-commerce by building trust and reducing the cart abandonment rate. 

When customers are suspicious about your store and its security, they are less likely to proceed with the payment method or to complete their purchase. Hence, you have to include fraud prevention tools and be compliant with security standards.  

Besides that, you have to showcase security by including security badges on your checkout page to build trust.  

5- Allow Guest Checkout

Part of facilitating the checkout process is to allow guest checkout. Through guest checkout, shoppers have the chance to create an online order without having to create an account. 

Forcing customers to create an account and enter an email and password will slow down the purchasing process. Thus, as we always say, remove any obstacles that hinder the completion of the process. 

6- Improve Page Load Times

Believe it or not, page load time is one of the most important factors that affect the online shopping experience. In addition, it turned out that it massively affects the cart abandonment rate. 

According to Kinsta (2023), customers are more likely to abandon your website if the page load time exceeds 3 seconds. 

As a result, reducing page load time is one of the vital tactics to reduce cart abandonment rate. You can start by compressing the size of your images and content. In addition to having a fast and reliable web hosting provider. 

7- Send Reminder Emails 

The second online shoppers abandon their carts; you have to act on the spur of the moment by sending cart abandonment emails

This is your chance to regain the largest number of possible abandoners. All you have to do is remind them of the products they forgot in their carts. They may have gotten distracted, and reminding them will ensure they come back.

In addition, shoppers might not have completed their orders due to their concerns about the product. Hence, sending reminder emails promptly will allow your business to open a dialogue and identify the reason behind cart abandonment. 

Hence, you have to incorporate an email marketing tool to maximize your benefits and reduce the cart abandonment rate. 

Speaking of email marketing, we recommend checking out Convertedin. It enables your e-commerce to build and customize tailored email campaigns for each activity to increase your ROI. You won’t have to worry about email marketing anymore as with Convertedin, everything is done effortlessly and with the best results.

** Checkout: Best Abandoned Cart Emails To Inspire You.

8- Show The Amount Saved At Checkout

The statement “ You saved ….$ in this purchase” gets the heart of any online shopper. I am not exaggerating when I tell you it’s the moment of victory (Well, I might be a bit exaggerating but it’s ok). 

Such a statement creates a sense of excitement for customers. It makes them turn a blind eye to the amount of money they are paying for the purchase and focus on the amount they save instead. 

This is a psychological situation that only online shoppers will understand. The thing is, you have to leverage such a situation by including such a tactic in your e-commerce store to reduce the cart abandonment rate. 

Always show the amount of money saved after each purchase to encourage customers to finalize their order.   

9- Create A Clear Refund And Exchange Policy

One of the drawbacks of online shopping is the inability to physically examine the products. Hence, shoppers become skeptical about order completion unless there is a clear refund and exchange policy. 

This is crucial to reduce the cart abandonment rate. You have to give shoppers the chance to receive the product, try it, and return it or exchange it if it doesn’t suit them. This builds more confidence and encourages shoppers to finalize their purchases.

Therefore, your refund and exchange policy has to be vividly clear on your website. Hence, customers are aware of the procedures to follow if they dislike the product.   

10- Include Exit Intent pop-up

Honestly, we were very impressed when we heard about the exit intent pop-up. Through exit intent technology,  your website tracks customers’ movement across the page. When the customer leaves the active part of the page, the one with all the actual content, an exit pop-up occurs to customers to make them have second thoughts about leaving. 

It’s undoubtedly one of the best tactics to reduce the cart abandonment rate, especially if utilized in a proper way. For instance, you can formulate your exit pop-up message so it offers discounts and promo codes to customers who intend to leave your website. 

Trust us, this will make shoppers think twice before abandoning their carts, or they will be giving up on a huge opportunity.   

11- Incorporate Re-marketing 

Re-marketing is a digital marketing technique that shows personalized ads to shoppers who previously visited your store or website without completing an action. Thus, it’s a responsive marketing technique directed toward shoppers who abandon their carts.

Nowadays, most websites use cookies which enable marketers to track the actions taken by visitors on their website and the pages viewed. As a result, marketers will be able to retarget these visitors with personalized content. 

Through re-marketing, you are retargeting previous shoppers with customized ads featuring images and videos of products they left in their carts. The more these images occur, the more shoppers will feel like they are missing a huge catch. Thus, customers become more inclined to return and complete their purchases.  

As an e-commerce, delivering personalized ads across different channels can be a huge burden. Yet, Convertedin is one of the best marketing automation tools that can automate your ads strategy across different channels. 

Most importantly, Convertedin retargets customers who leave your store with customized ads to get a high ROAS.  It’s definitely a win-win. 

Final Thoughts

We totally understand how cart abandonment breaks your heart. Yet, there is always a chance to fix it. 

With our ten tactics, we assure you will be able to reduce cart abandonment rate and regain customers who have left your store without order completion. Just follow our tips and you will witness a huge boom in your e-commerce performance. 

And, don’t forget to check out Convertedin for one of the best email marketing tools and personalized ad campaigns. Hence, cart abandonment won’t be an issue anymore.  

This is just a glimpse of what Convertedin has to offer.

So, Book your demo now!