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Top 10 Video Marketing Trends For E-Commerce in 2023 (With Tips)

Written by Salma Habib | May 29, 2023 9:20:44 AM

Did you know that 86% of marketers now use video as a marketing tool? Also, by the end of 2023, online video is expected to account for 82.5% of all web traffic, making it the most popular type of content. 

As an eCommerce marketer or an owner of an eCommerce store, wouldn’t you want to leverage the most popular type of content on the Internet to promote your products or services? 

Moreover, research shows that 96% of marketers consider video as an integral part of their marketing strategy and that marketers who use video grow revenue 49% faster than those who don’t (Dash, 2023).

Wouldn’t you want to grow the revenue of your eCommerce business faster than your competitors?

Furthermore, it is proven that customers retain 95% of the information included in videos compared to 10% of the information included within texts.

Here’s another question: Wouldn’t you want your customers to remember the information you tell them about your products or services?

If your answer to all the previously asked questions is YES, keep reading this article to learn how to leverage video marketing for your eCommerce store with the best video marketing trends 2023.

Table of content:

  1. Multi-Platform Presence
  2. Shoppable Videos
  3. Short-Form Videos
  4. User-Generated Videos
  5. 360-Degree Videos
  6. Live Videos
  7. Testimonial Videos
  8. Personalized Videos
  9. Partnership With Influencers
  10. Repurposing Videos

Top 10 Video Marketing Trends For E-Commerce

Video marketing has become an indispensable part of any successful eCommerce marketing strategy. Today, video marketing is considered the best and the most compelling way through which eCommerce brands can deliver their messages to their customers. Video marketing allows brands to connect with customers on a deeper level by creating better opportunities for engagement. 

With video marketing, you can build trust, create long-lasting relationships with your existing customers, and even attract potential customers. All this will lead to an increase in conversions, sales, and hence, revenues and profits for your eCommerce store. However, your success in video marketing is contingent upon your understanding of the latest trends, which is what our article will tackle in the following points. 

1- Multi-Platform Presence

Today, the opportunities available for video marketing are much bigger than relying solely on a single platform. As an eCommerce business, one of the major video marketing trends you should follow this year is expanding your video marketing efforts across multiple platforms and channels. This includes popular platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and more. By adjusting your video content to each platform's characteristics and audience preferences, you can broaden your reach and engage with lots of potential customers. This will also positively serve your efforts to provide customers with an omnichannel experience

  • Facebook Video Marketing: It is proven that 62% of Facebook users become more interested in a product after watching a related Facebook video (SproutSocial, 2023). The thing about implementing video marketing through Facebook is that there are many types of Facebook Ads from which you can choose the most suitable ones for your video marketing campaigns.
  • Instagram Video Marketing: Statistics show that Instagram has almost 1.4 billion users worldwide and that Instagram video posts have double the engagement of other types of posts. Accordingly, Instagram offers an effective and dynamic space for eCommerce stores to connect with their target audience and create compelling video marketing campaigns.
  • TikTok Video Marketing: In 2021, Tiktok celebrated 1 billion monthly active users. According to this number, TikTok is now the third largest social platform right after Facebook and Instagram. With its short-form, vertical videos and a highly interactive user experience, TikTok offers eCommerce stores an opportunity to launch viral video marketing campaigns, increase brand awareness, drive traffic, and ultimately boost sales.
  • Youtube Video Marketing: Research shows that Youtube has over 2 billion monthly active users. This creates a golden opportunity for eCommerce businesses to engage with a vast audience by extending their video marketing efforts to include Youtube. This can include advertising through Youtube Video Ads or collaborating with content creators to create organic videos with Youtube Shorts

This year's trend for eCommerce video marketing is to have a multi-platform presence. By diversifying your video marketing efforts, you can tap into different platforms and effectively connect with your target audience wherever they are.


  • If you are using multi-platforms at the same time for your video marketing campaigns, you have to make sure that your message is consistent throughout all platforms and channels. 
  • Before deciding to follow this trend, you have to conduct proper customer segmentation first so that you can identify the platforms that your target audience uses. This is important because there is no point in extending your video marketing campaigns to platforms that your customers don’t use. 

2- Shoppable Videos

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The trend of shoppable videos is revolutionizing video marketing for eCommerce. Research shows that 40% of marketers are now using shoppable videos (Smartzer, 2023). Shoppable videos seamlessly integrate the shopping experience within the video itself. Customers can click on the products displayed in the video to learn more or make a purchase instantly. This saves customers’ time, creates a frictionless shopping experience, and simplifies the path to conversion. 


  • If you are using shoppable videos for your video marketing campaign, one of the crucial things you should focus on is the information you provide about your products or services. Make sure you are highlighting your products or services strategically and in the best way possible. 
  • Work on optimizing your shoppable videos for mobile and keep the purchasing process as mobile-friendly as you can. 

3- Short-Form Videos

Statistics show that 73% of customers prefer to watch short-form videos to learn about products or services. So, this is your sign to follow this trend and start using short-form videos in your video marketing campaigns. Short-form videos can quickly catch your customers’ attention, which is crucial in today’s fast-paced digital world. 


  • With short-form videos, you have to be as concise as you can so that you can fit all the information you want to give about your eCommerce store within the short time of the video. 
  • Always leverage the first few seconds of the video because these are what determine whether you’ll catch your customers’ attention or not. 

4- User-Generated Videos

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User-generated videos are a form of user-generated content (UGC). They are perceived as one of the most powerful and effective video marketing tools for eCommerce. They are simply videos created by customers in which they showcase their experience with products or services. Today, eCommerce businesses can leverage the big number of customers that create video content and publish it regularly. Thanks to the widespread availability of smartphones and the abundance of social media platforms, anyone can now become a content creator and generate videos that can be used for marketing purposes. 


  • Regularly encourage your customers to shoot videos of themselves using your products or service and post them on their social media accounts.
  • Use incentives to make the process of creating videos more attractive and tempting for customers. For example, you can launch a contest that involves rewards for customers who create the best video of them using your product. 
  • You can even convert some of the user-generated videos into video ads or even shoppable videos. Of course, taking the user’s permission is a prerequisite to doing this. 

5- 360-Degree and Virtual Reality (VR) Videos

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If you have been following the latest digital marketing trends for eCommerce, then you are already aware of the integration of Virtual Reality (VR) technology in the eCommerce world. Today, one of the things that can offer a more immersive and engaging experience within your video marketing campaigns is VR, or, as some people refer to it, 360-degree videos.

The trend of 360-degree videos enhances product visualization and gives your customers a chance to see an actual demonstration of how your product is used or how it looks on them before deciding to buy it. 


  • If you are going to use this trend for your video marketing, we advise you to include narratives in your 360-degree videos. Narratives evoke emotions by taking your customers into different environments and simulating scenarios for them in which your products or services are showcased in context. 

6- Live Videos

Another one of the latest video marketing trends is live videos, which represent a real-time and interactive way to engage with customers. Immediate interactions with your customers give you the chance to promote the products or services of your eCommerce store while giving them the chance to write comments, ask questions, or even give feedback in real time. 


  • Always plan and promote your live videos in advance. Do not surprise your customers with live videos; instead, announce your upcoming live videos on your social media accounts to create anticipation. 
  • Always try to offer attractive incentives to encourage customers to view your live videos and actively participate in them. 

7- Testimonial Videos

Testimonial videos are one of the strongest trends for video marketing this year because they provide the kind of social proof that customers usually need. In other words, instead of you promoting your products or services, testimonial videos showcase actual customers promoting them. This increases trust and credibility as well as creates emotional connections between the viewers and the customers featured in the videos. 


  • Be careful while choosing the customers you feature in your testimonial videos. Make sure you choose customers who are authentic and truly passionate about your eCommerce store and what it offers. 
  • Try to make the testimonial videos look as authentic as possible. You can do this by letting customers speak in their own words instead of writing scripts for the videos. 

8- Personalized Videos

As important as personalization is for everything in eCommerce, it is equally important for your video marketing campaigns. Here, personalized videos refer to promotional videos tailored to your customers based on their preferences, behaviors, demographics, and other characteristics. This trend will greatly increase customer engagement and enhance the overall customer experience with your eCommerce store. 


  • In your personalized videos, try to leverage your customers’ browsing and buying history to provide them with relevant product recommendations in the videos.
  • Leverage the current abundance of AI tools, which are also trending this year, in helping you implement accurate personalization. 

9- Partnerships With Influencers

Making partnerships with influencers might not be a new video marketing trend, but it is still trending, and it is as strong as ever. You can always use the expanded reach and exposure that influencers can get you.


  • Choose the influencers you collaborate with carefully and make sure their content is relevant to your products or services and their values are aligned with the values of your eCommerce store.
  • Work on creating long-term relationships with influencers instead of constantly having to find new ones for your video marketing campaigns. This will save you time, effort, and even money. 

10- Repurposing Videos

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Repurposing videos refers to reusing existing videos for different purposes after adapting them by changing their format or publishing them on different platforms. It is one of the most valuable strategies that are trending in video marketing this year. Repurposing videos is every eCommerce marketer’s cup of tea because it helps them extend the video’s lifespan, reach a wider audience, and maximize the value of their video assets with less effort. 


  • Remember the short-form videos we talked about at the beginning of this article? Well, you do not have to create them from scratch. You can always extract them for longer videos and use them for multiple purposes. 
  • Notice that this trend can help you follow most of the previously discussed trends at the same time. You can, for example, gather user-generated videos and then repurpose them by transforming them into shoppable videos. You can also record your live videos and then repurpose them by making them shorter and publishing them across multiple platforms after adapting their formats accordingly. 

** Before you leave, check out this article to learn about video marketing best practices to grow your eCommerce business

Final Thoughts:

To sum up, video marketing is becoming an indispensable strategy for eCommerce businesses. It gives brands the chance to engage with their customers in a visually compelling and immersive way, which drives higher levels of customer engagement, greater brand awareness, and more conversions. Given the fact that technological advancements increase every day, customer preferences constantly change, and competition in the eCommerce market regularly intensifies, eCommerce businesses need to stay on top of their game when it comes to being aware of video marketing trends. 

Another thing that eCommerce can do is pursue automation at every chance they get. In addition to telling you about the latest video marketing trends for eCommerce, we got your back in the automation part too. is offering you an effective marketing automation tool that will:

  • Conduct all types of customer segmentation for you. 
  • Create, customize, launch, and automate personalized ads, SMS, and email marketing campaigns. 
  • Gather your customers’ data, which may be scattered across different places, into one place, like a hub.

Book your demo now and allow our automation tool the chance to help you in your video marketing campaigns.